Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Welcome To The Broken Heart Project

Having your heart broken is a universal human experience. We've all been there, and although everyone experiences it differently, we all understand what it means to be broken hearted.

This project aims to explore and celebrate one of life's most complex emotional experiences. Whether you are heart broken at the moment or long past the worst of it, this is a site dedicated to you.

Each heart break is different and deserves to be witnessed, shared, understood, learned from even laughed at. So if you have any momentos you would like to share with us that might shed some light on being broken hearted, please send them to us and we will do our best to post them.

We are looking for break up letters, relationship momentos, art work, poetry and song lyrics that stem from being broken hearted. Although we appreciate them, we can not accept essays, photographs which identify individuals, or anything stating full names or addresses.
Please email your jpegs to: thebrokenheartproject@gmail.com

We are reaching out to people all over the world so whether you live in New York City, Paris or Manilla, we would love to hear from you. Keep checking back as we hope to update as often as we can.


The Folks at Broken Heart Project